You’re Right

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Bone of Contention.”

You’re right,
I did a bad thing.
I added to the suffering of others
those whom I care about deeply.
I alienated you and caused the alienation of others from those
I care about deeply.

But I was not alone.

You’re right,
I don’t deserve your forgiveness.
I don’t deserve your friendship
I won’t be seen by you as anything but what I have done

I am no longer a person you can trust
or like

But I won’t be punished by you.

You’re right,
It’s hard to look at me,
It’s hard for you to understand how anyone else would
I am nothing but trash
to you

But I still exist.

I still have a heart
I refuse to apologize anymore
than I already have
I refuse to be made into an example.

I did not want the change for me to change everything
I did not want to disband the unity I could have felt with you
Or others.

But I don’t exist for you,
and I won’t spend time apologizing to you
because I didn’t do this to you.

I will miss you
and you’re right,

I’m not your friend anymore.

But I am hers.